A review by mundinova
All the Birds in the Sky by Charlie Jane Anders


Story: 3 stars
Character Development: 2.5 stars
Prose/Language: 2 stars

I really wanted to like this book, but unfortunately it fell into the "that was nice, but not memorable" category. I even waited a couple days to see if it grew on me ... it did not. Maybe the pacing was off: the story skipped large chunks of the character's lives and the big "action" scene was just after the middle rather than closer to the end. Maybe the language was too current: too much hipster internet slang.

Ultimately, I couldn't get emotionally involved in either character once they became adults. The first half of the book was character driven and then the second half is a walking tour of San Francisco with some magic and technology on the side. But the story is still unique and worth reading if you're looking for a fantasy/sci-fi mash-up.