A review by ark99
Delirium by Lauren Oliver


So I think someone who hasn't read a lot of YA dystopian would like it, however I have read TOO MUCH of it to really like it?? I read this to get out of a book slump, and about halfway through I stopped and just didn't really wanna finish it because it all felt predictable. I kinda already knew what was gonna happen.. I just finished it because I don't like leaving things unfinished. This reminded me of a lot of different books, mostly the [b:Uglies|24770|Uglies (Uglies, #1)|Scott Westerfeld|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1443904172s/24770.jpg|2895388] series because of the "cure" and the people outside of the fence. And I really liked the Uglies book but I didn't want this book to carry on and on like the Uglies series continued and get kinda muddled up and boring and I feel like it would but I don't know because I haven't read the others,, but I'm not gonna even bother.