A review by cherryactually
Chain Mail: Addicted to You by Hiroshi Ishizaki, Richard Kim, Rachel Manija Brown


"Fiction creates an unreal world that's better than the real one."

That line itself brought me to go on further into reading the book. I admit, for one, that the beginning of the book was a little dragging. Much like a lot of books, I guess. But I found my heart beating erratically by the time I reached the middle part of the book. I felt my chest tighten, and my mind racing as to the possibilities of what could happen next. It was suspenseful and thrilling despite being a teen angst short novel.

I, myself, am a roleplayer. I roleplay in the way the girls had done it in the book--in paragraph form, in detail, and it was much like a story. I've come to love a lot of people who I've roleplayed with, too. So the story was easy to relate to. It didn't matter where we lived, or if we ever will meet, but I've grown attached to these people. They've managed to hold a small (or big) space in my heart in the way that we connect through the stories that we've created over the Internet. Whether I know them personally or not, they've made a tremendous impact in my life. So this book was easy to relate to in a way.

As a person out of character, I can't really say I was an outcast. That part wasn't as easy to relate to, I guess. But I knew other roleplayers felt the same way whenever they post something out of character, ranting out the troubles of real life, and how they found solitude in our roleplay family, an escape from the real world. This book was mildly triggering, and I'm sure many people, whether they roleplay or not, would be able to relate, one way or another.

This wasn't just some cliche young adult story. In fact, this didn't inclue any romantic genre at all, and was more focused into lives of teenagers, depth and hidden away from the world, and was thrilling, to say the least. The dragging part in the beginning was absolutely worth it, as it just brought the whole story to raise its climax. Even though there was some sort of plot twist by the end, it was an ending that I very much appreciated.

I kind of want a part two.