A review by slc333
By Midnight, by Mia James


I enjoyed the story and the mystery but found the romance lacking. There was very little interaction between the hero and heroine and certainly nothing to justify them being in love. Basically their interaction boils down to - they look at each other, he 'saves' her at the party ( are we supposed to believe he already loves her even though he hasn't spoken to her yet?), they walk home together, he shows her a romantic place and boom they are in love. It is a little more understandable from April's perspective as she is a sixteen year old girl and hormones play a big part in believing your in love if a boy is cute at that age. Gabriel's instant 'love' for April is less believable given his age(unless he thinks she is a reincarnation of Lily but that thankfully never comes up). Gabriel's action at the end shows he really does love her, I just don't understand why given they barely know each other and have argued 4 out of the 5 times they speak.