A review by bibliophilebookclub
Distress Signals by Catherine Ryan Howard


I started Distress Signals and within the first 13 pages I was grabbed hook, line and sinker (see what I did there!).This book was just brilliant! Once I started reading, I didn’t want to stop!!! I loved everything about it to be honest. The writing style makes the book easy to read, and the story flows well.Distress Signals is about Adam and Sarah, who are living happily together, with Sarah working while Adam is working on his script for his agent. Sarah is to go to Barcelona for a conference and doesn’t return, and when Adam gets her passport in the post with a note attached he thinks something has happened.What ensues is a chaotic search for Sarah. This in turn raises more questions about what was really going on in their relationship. It leads Adam far from home and into danger.
I’m useless at describing what happens in books, this is why I let the blurb do the talking usually!!!:)
I loved this book as it switched between present and past, but the reader didn’t know where the past was going to figure in the book. I have to be honest, the glimpses into the past made me feel really uncomfortable reading them. The subject matter is rather sensitive at times I think! However, once everything was pieced together, i almost felt like banging my head for not realising!!!!Catherine Ryan Howard has written a great novel in Distress Signals. It is a tense, fast read with a really great story.