A review by sandlynn
Hooked by Brenda Rothert


November 5, 2017

Hooked by Brenda Rothert was published in 2016 as an e-read and is about 215 pages long.

This story, set in modern day Chicago, focuses on a mid-20’s college student who works several jobs to get herself through school, studying business. One of her jobs involves being a maid at an exclusive hotel. That’s where our heroine, Miranda Carr, meets Jake Birch a star player for Chicago’s hockey team. He’s staying in a suite at the hotel for several weeks while his condo is being renovated, and just by chance, Miranda is assigned to clean his rooms. Jake is immediately attracted to Miranda and her disinterest in him as a rich sports star and celebrity is refreshing. As for Miranda, she can’t deny Jake’s good looks and magnetism, but she’s been burned by a former boyfriend who cheated and she’s well aware of Jake’s reputation as a player, in more than one meaning of the word. Despite that, the two do begin to grow closer and peel away all the barriers each has built up to keep from having a relationship. The only problem is, both are not being entirely open about themselves, especially Jake who is estranged from his family and has become unwillingly involved with another woman who won’t take no for an answer.

I enjoyed this story very much. It was a pretty straightforward romance with believable complications, although I found Jake’s unwillingly involvement with the hockey team owner’s daughter a little over the top. Still Jake and Miranda’s growing romance was very sweet. I didn’t quite believe that he wouldn’t have “closed the deal” with Miranda sooner but once Jake and Miranda do make love, their intimacy is very nice. I would give this story a B/B+ and would certainly read this author again.