A review by roroth
Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore


Well, I do have to say Angel Eyes by Shannon Dittemore is a bit of a different book than I usually read. It is a Young Adult book that’s one thing I do know, I do not know if I should classify it as a christian fiction novel, it does discuss a lot about God, Angels and Demons and everything that entails however some might think it is also Paranormal too. It is from HarperCollins Christian Publishers and Shannon Dittemore is a daughter and wife of preachers so I am sure she would classify it as Christian. As an Agnostic, I obviously took it more for paranormal but I am sure there will be tons of different views about it which I like!

Now, even though it is about God, Angels, and Demons and one girls belief about what is real after having two people in her life taken away from her far too soon I really enjoyed it and I give it a surprising 5 stars, It was not at all “preachy,” It was written amazingly well, there were very few parts that were boring or dragged on and on. Shannon describes things so vividly that you can really imagine being in Brielle’s world. One thing that at times got me confused was the many names Brielle goes by. Her birth name is Gabrielle, some people call her that, some call her Gabby, some call her Elle and some call her Brielle. I understand having nicknames and she does explain the Gabby and Brielle names but it was at times hard to keep up with but that would be the only flaw in this amazing book. It has a bit of romance in it but being a young adult book, it doesn’t really go pass kissing so pretty much anyone could read this. Young or old. I know that most of my blog readers know I do love the adult romance books this was a breath of fresh air to read a good, wholesome novel for once again.

I hope the christian stuff doesn’t scare anyone away, please take the time to read this and I am sure you will love it as much as I did!



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