A review by ktxx22
The Wonder by Emma Donoghue


I’m gonna have fun at book club tonight with this terrible book. Boring doesn’t even begin to cover it. It’s pages and pages of bedside vigil and nothing significant EVER happens!! The reviews that said the ending was absolutely shocking are a pack of lies. I could have guessed the twist easily and was hoping that in the last little bit space lizards would show up and actually shock me. Alas this is the 2nd book that I have read for this particular book club that was terrible enough to DNF and to deem worthy of a rant review. We had a good run 2018 but 2019 is coming at me hard with this steaming pile of Poop!! 1/5 Hard pass on this unless you have endless hours of time to devote to boring yourself to death. And another strike is Donoghue ties the ending up with a pretty little bow. They all live happily ever after. Literally gag me with a spoon.