A review by beththebookdragon
Somebody, Please Tell Me Who I Am by Harry Mazer, Peter Lerangis


A highly realistic tale of a senior in high school who is bright and a gifted actor--and chooses to join the military reserves, to the shock of friends, family, and his girlfriend.

The characters are among the most three-dimensional and true to life I've seen in a YA novel, the parents as well as teens. In a brief but fully described section of this short novel, the authors pull no punches about the realities of military life and service in Iraq.

Harrowing and heartbreaking, but hope is never completely lost, and neither is love.

Highly recommended for teens who want a real-life story or a story of the struggles of dealing with traumatic injury. This is definitely both. Also good for teens wanting "a short book"--they will get a full novel's worth in comparatively few pages.