A review by yvireads
Blown Away by Brenda Rothert


5 stormy Stars

Blown away was my first Brenda Rothert book, but definitely not the last.
It's hard to pull a story together, when the fiancé of hero/heroine dies. My thoughts are always kinda like 'how does she manage the other party not to feel bad about just being the second choice and at the same time not to downsize the relationship with the late fiancé?'
Brenda Rothert did an excellent job, if you're asking me. The book had it all - love, loss and a lot of sexual tension. I kept waving my hands to my face to cool down a bit...

Drew lost her storm chasing fiancé a year ago, she was broken. But as broken as she was, she's also a strong woman who kept her strength and got back on her feet. Lately Drew feels like she's missing something. Every day is the same. There's no more excitement in her life. When she meets one of her late fiancés Storm chasing buddies, she gets an offer she just can't refuse.

Aiden had it bad for his best friends girl since he first laid eyes on her. She'd be his game changer if he'd only saw her first. Aiden had it rough his whole life, he doesn't look for love, he looks for women to fuck - never feelings, never serious. He loved a few people in his life and all of them left one way or another.
When the new storm chasing season rolls in, he doesn't know how it'll go without his best friend by his side, but he'll soon discover an all new problem on his passenger seat.

Something else I immensely loved about the story was, that I haven't read a book about storm chaser falling in love. That was a first for me.
It was really exciting for me to be a "part" of Drews and Aidens journey. The chemistry was off the charts and I was kept on my toes the whole time. I didn't want the book to end, it was that good.

Pre order Amazon https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B018CHA10Q/ref=mp_s_a_1_4?qid=1459069441&sr=8-4&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_QL65&keywords=brenda+rothert&dpPl=1&dpID=510l2%2BSa9cL&ref=plSrch