A review by piepieb
Sidney Chambers and the Persistence of Love by James Runcie


Thank you, Netgalley, for this arc.

Grantchester is a favorite show of mine, and I have enjoyed getting to know Sidney, Amanda, Hildegard, Leonard, and others through the books. I liked this sixth (and final?) installment of this mystery series - cozy, British, with a splash of whiskey, these mysteries are not creepy or chilling, as I prefer my mysteries to be, but instead they're homespun with heartfelt emotion. I've enjoyed peering over Sidney's shoulder as he interacts with humanity to find anything from a lost book to a lost nephew; as he plays backgammon with Geordie; or spends time with Hildegard, Anna, and Byron.

The last story in this collection overwhelmed with sadness at a life taken far too soon. And yet, I feel like it ended full of hope, as you know without a doubt that Sidney and Geordie will continue to ride off into the sunset together.