A review by crizzle
By the Shores of Silver Lake by Laura Ingalls Wilder


Obligatory 5 stars due to the setting of OUR HOMELAND, South Dakota!! The girls and I were super excited to read about the Ingalls homestead that we go and visit in De Smet at least once a summer... also, mentions of Huron, Mitchell, Brookings... fun to see how the towns were starting in Laura's world. I can't wait to read her biography which is being released about now I believe... there are a lot of sad things in between the lines in the beginning... they had a baby brother, right? Everyone got scarlet fever and Mary lost her eyesight. But, being written for children, the narration is pretty plucky as usual. The girls were on the edge of their seats, eyes huge, as I read the chapter at the end in which 3 year old Grace is lost on the prairie and everyone is screaming... Laura screams to Carrie, "Shut up!!" Pretty intense stuff!