A review by trisha_thomas
River Sing Me Home by Eleanor Shearer


A beautiful, brutal, heart-wrenching story. It's about the connection of family and finding those you love. It's about the cruelty of slavery and the added injustice of ripping families apart as cruel men sold and sent children, husbands and mothers away.

It's the story of Rachel. She's had multiple children and no longer has any with her. She is inspired to leave, go running, and start the search to find her children and reconnect, to let them know she loves them and has thought of them every day they are apart.

The story was tough to read at times. The kids and the things both they and the mother have been through were violent and bloody at times. Each new story held its own horrors and each one felt new and awful. But each found connection was beautiful. The way their souls knew each other mended some of the cracks each break created. It's a beautiful, eye-opening story as much as it was tough and cruel. I'm so glad I gave it a try, I learned a lot and am changed for having read it.