A review by changenotcoins
Rushing In by Claire Kingsley


Another great small town romance in this series, this time featuring Gavin Bailey, one of the Bailey brothers and a resident firefighter, and Skylar Stanley, the chief's daughter who returns home after a bad breakup and losing her job as a writer after her literary agent cheats on her and kicks her out. Whew, it was a lot but the book was really good. Gavin is a sunshine, no fear kind of giuy and Skylar is very much a introverted, shy sort of girl. Gavin makes it his personal mission to become her friend and open up her world to bigger and better things. Of course they fall in love! Their meet cute was adorable, and really funny. I loved them together, because I feel like they brought out the best in each other. And can I just say, Gavin with his kitten, Princess Squeaker, is just the cutest thing ever!