A review by justinekorson
Star-Crossed by Minnie Darke


I’ve never read a book with my name in it before (and the fact that Justine is also a Sagittarius like me is wild too) and let me just say reader, it’s as weird as it gets.

The whole story is based on zodiac signs and how people react to their horoscopes printed in a magazine. So other than the main characters, Nick and Justine, there are several other smaller stories in between the chapters that discuss other people and their lives. Toward the end of the novel all these mini stories get tied into Nick and Justine’s story in a sort of Love, Actually or Crazy, Stupid, Love kind of way that was overall very enjoyable.

What I didn’t like much about the story was Justine’s actions but I think that’s mainly because… I might have done the exact same thing as she did. I’m not sure if I would follow through with the final big consequence, rewriting all the zodiac horoscopes to pass off as Leo’s writing, but every other action she took I feel I would’ve reacted the same.

The reason I can’t get behind her though is because the author painted her as this super smart, super honest character and then instead of telling the truth, she lies to Daniel, forges a document (which is way harder in retrospect instead of simply telling the truth) and nearly costs herself her job! The job she worked YEARS to get!!! That in itself was the stupidest thing a character could do and I couldn’t even sympathize with her when everything went to shit on her birthday! (Her birthday is when the consequences of her actions caught up to her and everyone found out the truth).

To top it all off, at the beginning, despite seeing how none of her alterations to the Aquarius horoscope pushed Nick towards her/towards his dream SHE KEPT REWRITING HIS HOROSCOPE. If I was her and I’d seen how Nick had misinterpreted what I wrote (and she did know because he told her) I would’ve tried once more and then stopped completely when I realized my writing was having the complete opposite effect on him.

I guess what I’m really trying to say is… I don’t believe I’d ever risk my dream job for a guy.