A review by liankersh
Fated by Sarah Ready

Did not finish book. Stopped at 40%.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read a copy of the e-ARC. 

I had high hopes from reading the description and seeing the high reviews on the author's other books. When I started it, it just wasn't what I expected. The beginning was slow and the timeline confused me. The main character getting physically hurt barely played a role in the story. When I was 40% through the book, I still couldn't figure out the plot. It had mostly been many different things that happened in succession with no conflict or tension. I couldn't determine what Fiona's drive was. Sure, there were shocking things like her relationship with McCormick and Robert but it was resolved in the next chapter. 

The author writes very nicely, the text is easy to understand. It was mostly the story and characters that did not click with me.