A review by readingwithemmett
Ninth Grade Slays by Z Brewer


The thing I love most about Goodreads is all the challenges. I love being able to read books that I otherwise might not pick up because of a challenge. This is one of those books. I've had this book since middle school... yes... middle school. That's WELL over a decade ago. I have had this book sitting on my shelf for that long... and I've never read it before today.

Well, I just want to say that I'm proud of myself for finally getting to this book. I had to remind myself that this really isn't genre I read anymore, so it wasn't my favorite book. I will probably read the next book in the series (because I own it) and then give these two to the little free library by my house for another kid to enjoy.

I know this review has nothing to do with the actual book, but there really isn't much to say about it. It's a book about vampires for middle school kids. While I remember liking the first book in the series... back when I was in middle school... this one just didn't hold my interest as much. But then again. I'm no longer in middle school. Did I mention that I've had this book since middle school yet? Okay... but really I think this series is great for kids, but I don't think most adults would enjoy it as much. That being said, I'm glad I finally read it, and I did like the book overall.