A review by sc104906
The Arrival of Someday by Jen Malone


I received this as an eARC from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

Amelia is a take no prisoners feminist, who plays roller derby, and is an awesome artist. She is getting better and better at roller derby and has landed a prestigious art gig that allows her to paint a mural on the side of a restaurant. Life is going great, and even though she has always had a liver disorder, it will remain nothing like it has up to this point. Until, Amelia collapses in a bloody mess and learns that she needs a liver transplant. Her uncertain life changes all of her plans, but maybe if she doesn't think about it then it won't be happening. Even as her parents and friends are desperate for her to get a new liver. Amelia has trouble dealing with her own morality and trying to decide how she is going to react.

In my summary, I didn't talk about Will, the romantic interest, because truly this book isn't about Will or romance. It is about morality and deciding how to react or not react to difficult things in life. I liked the concept of Amelia, I liked what she was involved in, I liked how she interacted and explored her world, I just wish she was stronger in relation to her best friend. The best friend was the most challenging part of this book and many times I wanted to slap her, especially when she was being "bluntly honest," which came across as sanctimonious. I liked Will and I like him with Amelia. This was a solid novel that I will certainly recommend.