A review by isalaur
Bound by Song by Tracey Jane Jackson, Piper Davenport


Fun extension of the series

The series has now moved on from the Grunnach Brothers to the MacMillan brothers who were strong featured characters in the first three books. This book centers on Max and Grace Wilson, a woman briefly mentioned in an earlier book. The dynamic here is interesting as Max knows she’s his mate but she wants nothing to do with him and has the power to resist him where other women have not. Most of the book deals with their building a relationship and Grace struggling to trust him and accept that he could possibly want her.

As in previous books there are story holes, things brought up and then just left dangling. Max isn’t as likable a character as the previous male protagonists. We don’t get to know Grace as well as we did previous female protagonists. Thus it was harder to really connect with this couple. You also really have to have read the earlier books or this book would really leave you hanging in both understanding the other characters and the Cauld Ane. Grace’s reaction to Max once she turns 25 is also not portrayed the same way as in the first three books.

The book is good just not quite as enjoyable as the first three.