A review by thebookishhedgewitch
Ghosted by Rosie Walsh


The story follows Sarah in the aftermath of her divorce when she meets a man, Eddie, who she knows is the one. And she knows he feels the same way about her. Until, he stops calling and seems to just disappear off the face of the Earth. Despite protests from her family and friends, Sarah sets off to find out what happened to Eddie.

Marketed as a thriller full of suspense as Sarah tries to find out what happened to Eddie, the suspense wasn't thrilling, nor very intriguing. Not much is shown to the reader, rather most of the story is reported to us by Sarah, giving it a dull and lackluster pace. Sarah comes across as a pining schoolgirl, not a woman of 40, who is stalking a guy whose just not that into her. The dual timelines was easy enough to follow, but the explanation for Eddie's disappearance and sudden reappearance was rather... formulaic, boring, trite, disappointing. Sarah reminded me a great deal of the main character from The Girl on the Train - someone meddlesome, who was intruding on some of the other character's lives with little thought to the consequences for her or anyone else.

There is almost no details about Hannah's reappearance after her "death," she's wholly unsympathetic, and I don't feel there is any closure to this character's story line, at all. Her actions are never explained, we don't really see her side of the story. This makes absolutely no sense and this character is, save for the ending and the whole "why Eddie is ghosting her" aspect, this character ends up being kind of unnecessary. Hannah could have continued to be portrayed as dead and it wouldn't really have changed the ending at all, to be honest.

Overall, I found this didn't live up to the hype and was rather disappointing.