A review by ladydewinter
Antique Bakery, Volume 4 by Fumi Yoshinaga


Okay, this was really, really good. I admit I would never have thought it when I started reading this, but it slowly developed from a more or less ridiculous concept to a great story about four people who I came to care about a *lot*.

In the beginning, it seems rather disjointed, but it makes sense - like the first couple of episodes of a tv show it takes some time getting to know the characters. But then slowly their backstories are told and it was just great to see what these characters were like - how they weren't what I thought they were like initially.

I also loved how pieces from the earlier chapters ended up playing an important role later. And while it was really funny and cute at times, it also was rather sad at others, and I admit that I would have wished for a happy ending for Ono and Chikage, but since the story isn't *over* over at that point I can still think of them living happily ever after if I want, right?

Seriously, this was *good*. I'm kind of blown away by how much I liked this.