A review by zephyrsilver
Civil War: Captain America by Mike Perkins, Ed Brubaker, Matt Milla, Lee Weeks, Stefano Gaudiano, Rick Hoberg, Joe Caramagna, Frank D'Armata


It's funny how even the tiny installments like this are still good.

I will admit, I did a double take when Dum Dum Dugan showed up. I would have thought he'd be really old or had died a long time ago, considering he fought in WWII, but apparently not. OK. Good to know. Thank you Wikipedia.

Some of the Civil War issues made me question how Steve had time to fight the Civil War AND look for Skull, but that's a minor thing. I did appreciate seeing what Sharon and Bucky were doing during the war though. So that was cool.

Really what made this book a 4 star read for me was the Winter Kills issue. The rest of the book was probably just 3 stars, but the Winter Kills issue was great. I love Bucky, and I love the Young Avengers, so put the two together, and I'm a happy nerd. On top of that, WWII flashbacks? Yes! It was just so well written and so well done. That issue was great.

So overall this is probably a 3 star book, but if you're a Bucky fan like me, it's a 4 star book. (Sorry Steve.)