A review by amy_inthecatacombs
The Strange Power by L.J. Smith


The Strange Power is the first book in the Dark Visions trilogy by L.J. Smith.

Kaitlyn Fairchild is different from her classmates. At times, she’ll feel the need to draw something. When she does, it’s about an event that will happen in the future, but she usually doesn’t know what it means until it happens. Kaitlyn’s eyes are different and are often referred to as witch eyes. One day at school, she is called into an office where a woman, Joyce Piper, has come to talk to Kaitlyn about her “gift”. It is revealed that a visual screening that was held at the school was really to find high school seniors to come to the Zeke Institute for a year for experiments. Afterward, the students will receive a substantial amount of money.

Kaitlyn decides to go and meets four other people.
Anna, a girl that can control animals, Lewis, a boy that has psychokinesis, Rob, a boy that can heal, and Gabriel, a boy that is described as a psychic vampire.
Anna, Lewis, and Rob are nice from the beginning but Gabriel is guarded and tends to stay away from the group. While they are at the Institute, they participate in testing and go to school. Soon the group realizes that the Institute may not be the great place they first thought it was. What is Mr. Zeke up to?

I’ve had this series for a while but had never read them. I’ve missed out for at least 4 years. I really enjoyed the first book and can’t wait to start on the next book.