A review by erinkayata
The Secret Diary of Anne Boleyn by Robin Maxwell


I had a hard time getting through this one. I picked it up because of 1) the title (love anything Tudors) and 2) the high praise this book has gotten. And while I appreciate that it highlighted a much neglected corner of Tudor historical fiction (Anne and Elizabeth’s relationship), I just could not get into it. I took issue with the pacing (seemed like we went from Henry wooing Anne to them being together real fast but then the divorce took FOREVER which I know it did IRL but c’mon) and the focus on the religious reform. Just not my cup of tea. I also love Tudor historical fiction because everyone has a different take on different figures with Anne being especially polarizing. I fall somewhere in the middle on her but I felt this portrayal of her was super sympathetic and made her seem too passive at times. BUT overall I do appreciate the message and it what it did for the Tudors and the genre.