A review by rabbitholereader
A Good Night for Shooting Zombies by Jaco Jacobs



"She said that her husband died ten years ago. That amounts to 3,652 days, if you add two days for leap years. And that amounts to 87,648 hours. How do you survive that many hours when you're as lonely as she is?"

Martin lost his dad when he was eleven years, seven months and six days old. After that, his sister became distant, his mother became an extremely agoraphobic, and all Martin - also known as Clucky - has for company and solidarity is his chickens. That is, until he punches his neighbour in the face who, incidentally, is also dying of cancer. An unlikely friendship forms and Vusi, Clucky's neighbour, ropes Clucky and his friend, Chris, into shooting a zombie film.

[b:A Good Night for Shooting Zombies|40791118|A Good Night for Shooting Zombies|Jaco Jacobs|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1531399614s/40791118.jpg|26532855] has been translated from Afrikaans - and also has a movie adaptation (which I need to see)! - and was published in English on October 11th 2018.

This book is [b:The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time|1618|The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time|Mark Haddon|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1479863624s/1618.jpg|4259809] by [a:Mark Haddon|1050|Mark Haddon|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1337988298p2/1050.jpg] - meets the PG rated version of [b:The Fault in Our Stars|11870085|The Fault in Our Stars|John Green|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1360206420s/11870085.jpg|16827462] by [a:John Green|1406384|John Green|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1353452301p2/1406384.jpg]

The narrative is logical, simple, yet sweet. Yet with lots of hard-hitting, relevant topics that plague society today; cancer, losing a parent, different ways of grieving, bullies, et al. My one gripe is that the book is not long enough to properly explore each of these themes, I finished it in around 2/3 hours and it only seems to briefly touch upon all the sadness that expires surrounding these subjects.

Regardless, I really did enjoy this novella. In such a short space of time (and words) it made me laugh, and cry. And whilst I wished the story was longer, I'm not entirely sure my emotional palette could take much more, never mind a child, so it is probably for the best that it is the length it is.

Thank you to Net Galley for an ARC of this book.