A review by renuked
Crewel by Gennifer Albin


It sounded great. It looked great. I opened it, but it was not great. It was boring, and confusing. Dull. Slow-paced. Absolutely nothing happened until the end, but by then I had lost interest anyway.

Basically, Crewel is about a girl who lived in a world where women are oppressed. The only way to gain even a semblance of power in this world of men is to become an elite spinster, and to weave the very fabric of creation. Or something. It was horribly muddled, and it was difficult to understand whether it was science-fiction or fantasy. I didn't understand much of what the weaving did, only basic facts. Things were tried to be explained, sorta, but by the end, it was still a vague concept in my head. For example, at one point she manages to weave a passageway? It was really odd, and I couldn't get a clear picture of what the author was trying to convey.

The rest of the world-building was good - the politics, and social problems were interesting and well explained. But there was no action. None. It was just intrigue and mystery that accounted for nothing. The characters were dull and flat, and I barely remember any of them. Adelice was not likable, the love "triangle" was predictable and banal, and even the love interests did not get me excited about the story. I felt no connection, even when the backstory was introduced.

Basically, it was not executed properly even if the idea was intriguing. The story became flat, and the characters were thinner than paper. Even the villains weren't evil enough. I'll continue reading the story because the end was mediocrely better, (cliffhangers are usually good), but there will need to be vast improvements in the style, character development, and pacing.