A review by fictionalkate
Dead Heat by Patricia Briggs


I'd forgotten just how much I loved this series. Anna and Charles are so much fun to follow as they do their thing solving mysteries and hunting things (they are essentially the Winchester brothers of the UF world).

In Dead Heat they visit an old friend of Charles' and end up in the middle of a fae mystery.
This has probably been my favourite of the series so far because it manages to combine Charles' past with the shifters' present day problems and at the same time addresses their potential future. It's also got a great deal of supernatural drama for good measure.

The mystery was great with there being many clues along the way but not immediately obvious as to just how everything will play out in the end. I liked the new characters we were introduced to and I can see them popping up again somewhere in Briggs' Mercy/A&O universe. They are too good to say goodbye to after only one story.

There was great overall story progression with us seeing how the humans are dealing with the great Fae reveal as well as personal growth for both Charles and Anna. I'm so excited to see what is going to happen next! I love these two and adore them more with each book I read. I also was happy to see just how they managed with barely any Bran interaction.

So glad to see the next book has been released already because I can't wait to get stuck into it. This is one of my all time favourite UF series and I can't see that changing any time soon