A review by bookhero6
The Fallen by Carrefour Ltd, Ace Atkins


I was pleasantly surprised by this book. 7th in a series about a Sheriff in a small town in northern Mississippi, I don't know exactly what I was expecting. Granted, I have lots of preconceived notions about Mississippi based on an extensive family history there. Granted also, I have lots of preconceived notions about detective stories. Consequently, this book surprised me.

In it we have a strong of bank robberies and a local Sheriff who must solve the case, along with a wonderful cast of side characters, and side stories that all tie somehow to the bigger mystery. There is less in this detective story about solving the actual case than there is about the interplay of all the different characters and forces acting in this book, forces much too complex for just one book, which makes me glad there is a series wherein these forces hopefully play out.

It works very well as a stand alone novel. Having never read any of the other books in this series I did not feel at all lost, but I did find myself very curious about who all are recurring characters. Fannie Hathcock, a business proprietor who features heavily in this book, was one I was very curious about. I hope this is not her only book, and I found her character development over the course of the story to be very intriguing. She is kind of a villain, but also not really. She is a complex character, which only furthered my curiosity. Quinn Colson, our Sheriff, is obviously the central character. His sister Caddy and their friend Boom, seem also to be highly likely to be recurring, and they both appear to have very interesting back stories I would like to know more about. Which, of course, means I will be looking into more of this series.

All together, I very much liked this book and will continue reading the series to which it belongs.

I received a free digital copy of this book through Penguin's First to Read program.