A review by aprilbooksandwine
Black Hearts: One Platoon's Descent Into Madness in Iraq's Triangle of Death by Jim Frederick


I listened to Black Hearts: One Platoon’s Descent Into Madness In Iraq’s Triangle Of Death by Jim Frederick mainly because I was required to because of secret project thing that I am a judge for — and really that’s the most I can tell you at this conjecture. However, I found myself drawn to this book because war is interesting to me. I mean, it scares me and all, but it’s still interesting. I also find the whole effects of post traumatic stress fascinating as well. Furthermore, I have family serving and so, even though this is not about everyone in the military, I thought it might help to give me a little bit of insight that I sorely lack.
Read the rest of my review here
Note: Review will go live and the link will work on January 24, 2014.