A review by nuevecuervos
Dragons Beware!, by Jorge Aguirre


My mom bought both this and Giants Beware for my five-year-old daughter for her recent birthday, and because she's a little obsessed with dragons, insisted on reading this one first. The comic book nerd in my heart died a little (it's volume #2), but I humored her, and we loved it. Claudette is an insane little psycho, for sure, but the supporting characters are hilarious and awesome.

I can't decide which scene was my favorite-- Claudette trying to bonk the giant dragon with her tiny sword while Marie does her damndest to shout diplomacy at it instead, or Zubair sending the armored poppa Augustine in his wheelchair down the hill at a flock of evil gargoyles with a mighty shove so that poppa could own the shit out of them. Or Gaston admitting that he is not a warrior, and poppa accepting this without a blink and offering his unconditional love anyway. Hilarious and wonderful, honestly. My baby girl and I read this in two sittings, and she was riveted. And I finally get to read #1 tomorrow.

I'll try not to read ahead.
