A review by reasonpassion
The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark by Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan


Written at once for the person seeking to know the basics of scientific inquiry and as a socio-political statement about the need for scientific inquiry and support for it in government, Sagan succeeds though reading it over 20 years after initially published one can easily lament that things in America have gotten worse. Still, methodically (and at times with an over-abundance of repetition) Sagan with all his joy in inquiry and the wonder provided by scientific pursuit of truth, provides a still pertinent inspiration for a modern generation brought up with a lack of real science education. While some of the examples used are not as prevalent today, the means of analyzing them most certainly are. Sagan was a giant in his time and continues to exist as such in the imaginations of those who would seek to understand life without recourse to superstition or authority.