A review by lavendermarch
The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen


Reread April 4th, 2023
I hadn't read this book in around ten years, since my childhood, and I got the urge to reread it last night. I was a bit afraid that it wasn't going to be as good as I remembered it, but it held up quite well, in terms of writing, plot, and characters. While I remembered much of the plot, since I read it at least twice as a kid, it was still an engaging and exciting read, filled with tension and heartache. I really liked Sage, Imogen, and Mott. The fake royal plot was well-done and interesting
Spoilerand even though I remembered that Sage was really Jaron, it was fun to spot the foreshadowing as I read
. Overall, I really enjoyed this reread and would definitely recommend it. 4.5 stars!