A review by see_sadie_read
New York by Travis Luedke


Nightlife: New York is a paranormal romance unlike I've ever read and it took me a little while to pinpoint why. Surprisingly, I think it is the fact that it was written by a man. It changed the feel and focus of the romance. There was a realism to the main character, Aaron's, thoughts and actions that I can only imagine was born of the male author's innate ability to relate to the emotions of a male character. This multidimensionalism is often lacking in other PNR. They regularly focus almost exclusively on the man's alpha qualities, to the exclusion of all others. And while I enjoy these novels it was nice to come across a PNR hero who had a little more depth to him.

Aaron Pilan is the nice guy who never gets much coverage in this genre. He isn't 6'5''. He isn't build like a tank. He isn't bulging with muscles or oozing raw sex appeal. He doesn't even wear leather or shitkickers. He's attractive, but innocent and a little naive. Meeting the gorgeous vampire Michelle and being brought into her way of life throws him for a serious curve. I adored him! Over the course of the book he grew to be the strong alpha lead we women currently love so much, but managed to maintain the caring qualities that attracted Michelle in the first place. He was interested in more than just pounding a hapless, lust-driven female into a mattress (though the springs did get a workout or two) and I appreciated his internal debates as he tried to reassess his new role.

There was a little bit of an info-dump in the beginning as Luedke established what type of vampire we're dealing with. Do they sparkle or brood? Do they maintain their human intellect or become mindless predators, etc? The book gets a little dry during this necessary evil, but quickly picks back up. There are a whole host of interesting underworld characters who play their role without ever cluttering up the plot, a little bit of humour, some sizzling moments, and some tender moments. There really is just about enough of everything.

This is definitely one worth picking up. I have [b:The Nightlife: Las Vegas|16157776|The Nightlife Las Vegas (The Nightlife, #2)|Travis Luedke|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1353302889s/16157776.jpg|21998101] which I have every intention of reading.