A review by raven168
Alien Attachments by Sabine Priestley


I don't know if I want to actually say three whole stars for this book because I really disliked the beginning and the end. Only the middle actually drew me in and had me really into it.

The biggest problem with the beginning of this book is that you are just thrown into this world. The alien race names are given and things are said about the going-ons and such like we already know all about them. I really thought that I missed something and this was not the first book in a series. It bugged me greatly. That and the beginning was kind of boring. The middle of the book had enough good stuff going on that at times I actually didn't want to stop reading it. Then the end was just stupid. Not how what all happened in general, but specifically the decision Dani made.

There were a couple good characters. I loved Marco because he was simply a lot of fun. Jared was pretty cool too. And even though he wasn't there a lot, for some reason I quite liked Ian's uncle too...cape and all.

Dani is our main character, who's pretty much a normal girl except that she apparently has no friends aside from Jared who more or less took her under his wing. Her parents are both dead and her aunt raised her afterward, but she was pretty much never around. Enter Ian. He's a rich hottie that Dani is hoping would like to tumble around with her. Her first real interaction with him is in the pool at Jared's bar when he's trying to lessen the pain from an injury she got. But from that moment on her life changes, though she doesn't know it right away. Some time later creepy alien bad guys show up at the bar when it's only Dani and Jared there and left with no other choice, Jared tells her the truth. That he's a support agent for Ian and his team who are Earth protectors because apparently there's some mineral here that they use for their space travel. Things get complicated when Ian shows up because what he discovered about Dani in the pool would spell disaster for his family. After fighting off the badies, they manage to get to another protector's house and that evening is when they discover that their target seems to be to capture Dani. Though we don't know why, and we NEVER find out. Ian gives in to the urge to bed her and the very next day he turns into a huge jerk because he's trying to keep her away. More bad stuff happens and they all end up on Ian's homeworld. Ian's father loathes Dani and I don't know why so much
SpoilerI mean, he himself mated with a human (which was a cool surprise), so why all the hate at Dani? Especially when she just saved Ian's life twice.
. While his mother is much more kind to her. While practicing with one of the other protectors named Ria, Balaster is introduced. As a councilman he's treated with respect of course but as the empire is in turmoil they are weary of his intentions. One thing that's obvious though is his interest in Dani. Ian being the complete jerk that he was, he pretty much drove her to him and I think they were a great couple. Personally, I think she should have chosen him. The one thing I was really curious about was that they had the same eyes. Sure it happens all the time really, but I wondered if maybe they would turn out to be related somehow and that's why their relationship wouldn't work. ...Guess not... 'Lots of bad things happen, the empire shifts, families are relocated and Ian and Dani complete there bond.

And that's part of what ticked me off about the end. How the hell can she say she loves that man!? Her experience with him goes from him watching her all the time, to him angry that she was in the wrong place at the wrong time, to him sleeping with her, and then being a complete ass for the rest of the book. What part of that is endearing??? I guess I'm just aggravated because she fought this psi-bond the whole time and then at the end *poof* everything changes and all of a sudden she loves him. Uh, no you don't. You like the feelings you get from his psi. Has nothing to do with him. I was constantly shaking my head at the end and saying 'this is so stupid'...

I'm not sure if I got invested enough to read the next book when it comes out. Maybe if I got it for free and was bored with no other books to read I might. I definitely wouldn't go out of my way for it.

ARC provided by publisher via Netgalley.