A review by lesliethewanderlust
Fury's Kiss by Karen Chance


This book took me awhile to get through. This second last semester of college has been hectic, so I kept picking it up and putting it down. Anyways here's my (short) review, finally!

I loved getting back into the world of Dorina and all the amazing characters like Ray and of course Dorina's somewhat boyfriend Louis-Cesare.

In Fury's Kiss Dorina learns a lot about herself, in terms of her relatioship with her father as a child and the lengths he went to, to protect her from her vampire side. I loved reading about that relationship, and what I hope to be Dorina's willingness to have a better relationship with him in the future.

Overall the book was enjoyable, there was a lot of action and revelations about the characters. I do tend to find Chance's writing to be confusing at times. Just the way some scenes are written/described. At times I have to re-read to understand how a character got from one scene to the next.

Looking forward to a future Dorina book and a Cassandra Palmer one!