A review by kippins
Reaper's Legacy by Joanna Wylde


I am sad to say I was a little disappointed by this, it wasn't as good as the first IMO. :(
Pity cause I was really looking forward to this.

Male Character : Ruger. I didn't like him, I thought he was an asshole & never really redeemed himself for me.

Female Character : Sophie was good I liked her, I just wish she was better at sticking to her guns.

Storyline : Nothing really new here, if you read [b:Reaper's Property|17375956|Reaper's Property (Reapers MC, #1)|Joanna Wylde|https://d202m5krfqbpi5.cloudfront.net/books/1360943604s/17375956.jpg|23743714] than you know the score & as for the plot you could see the "twists" coming a mile off. The chemistry was hot enough but I felt the sex scenes got a bit repetitive.

Surrounding characters : All the gang from the first book are here plus one or two newbies.

POV : Alternating

Series cont : Not too sure after this but I may give it another whirl.