A review by nwhyte
The Year's Best Science Fiction & Fantasy, 2010, by Rich Horton



Thirty stories here; I had read three of them before, two of which I ranked bottom of their category in the 2010 Hugos but the third, Lucius Shepard's "Sylgarmo's Proclamation", I rather enjoyed. Most of them I enjoyed a lot more, with a particular shout to Robert Charles Wilson's "This Peaceable Land, Or, The Unbearable Vision of Harriet Beecher Stowe", in which the American Civil War never happened and slavery is abolished by more unpleasant means; Anne Leckie's "The Endangered Camp", with spacefaring dinosaurs; R. Garcia y Robertson's "Wife-Stealing Time", set among barbarians on Barsoom; and best and creepiest of the bunch, Kelly Link's "Secret Identity" where a teenager's attempt to rendezvous with her much older lover turns into an unexpected encounter with superheroes.