A review by lavendermarch
Girl at Heart by Kelly Oram


This was such a good book! I actually loved it a lot more than I thought I would. It's a light sports/romcom read, with really excellent characters and a fun plot. I really liked Charlie, the main character, and I loved the fact that the emotional arc she was given in the story didn't center around getting revenge on a guy but changing herself for totally valid reasons, as opposed to something slightly more angry/vengeful (I mean, she was angry, but it wasn't quite like that). I also loved Jace, the love interest, and his sister Leila. They were both total sweethearts, and Jace is such an awesome guy! Honestly, he's really sweet and patient and caring, and I liked that he'd had a crush on the main character for years. It was adorable. He and Charlie had really good chemistry together. As for Eric, one of Charlie's best friends, I liked him even though he could be frustrating at times. The other side characters, such as Charlie's dad and Mark, one of the baseball team members, were also great. Overall, this made for a really nice, quick read. At under 200 pages, it's for sure doable in a day, and a really fun read. 100% recommended. 4.5 stars!