A review by ifollowedthatrabbit
Los vigilantes del faro by Tiina Nunnally, Camilla Läckberg


In this volume, Patrick and his colleagues must work on a very complex case. The victim was very reserved, so it's difficult to learn about his private life. Moreover, everyone agrees on how kind and good hearted was, therefore the police can't find the reason why he was murdered.

There are several characters whose stories are connected to the victim's life and murder.
Annie who is running away from her abusive husband. She lived in the city and decided to hide in her childhood home, on Gråskär island, also known as The Island of Ghosts. Her father was in charge of the lighthouse which is abandoned now. They passed away years ago, so she and her little son are alone on the island.

Madeleine has settled abroad with her little children, because this seemed the safest way to hide from her abusive husband. He's quite dangerous.

Parallel to the main story, there's another mystery that happened by the end of the 19th century on Gråskär island.

The story is really fast paced, therefore it's quite difficult to put the book down.
If you haven't read the previous books in the series, this and each one of them, can be read as a standalone.

Trigger warnings: violence, depression, rape, suicide, and murder.