A review by joaotjesus
The Alchemists: Three Central Bankers and a World on Fire by Neil Irwin


This book offers us a journalistic tale of the 2008 financial crisis. it start with a little history of central banking, then proceeds to the creation of the financial institutions that we know today (the US Fedederal Reserve, European Central Bank, Bank of England, etc), and then starts addressing the 2008 financial crisis, mostly from the perspectives of the then leaders of said Banks.
The book is written in a journalistic style, the text is clear and light, and the author provides some well-needed explanations and metaphors for some complicated financial and economic concepts.
the author approaches most of the characters in a detached way, making no judgment calls, instead focusing on the settings of the meetings and parties that such characters attend, which helps in giving the impression that these are larger than life figures, or rather very privileged people.