A review by belladonna_loves_to_read
Ties That Bind by Pippa DaCosta


*sniffle - I can't believe this is the last one - sniffle*

“I was the Deathbringer, the Destroyer, the Mother of Destruction. I was made for the end of all things. This was my time.”

It’s all up to Muse now. The fate of both the Netherworld and the Earth are in her hands, in this final book in The Veil series.

Normally, I would tell you all about the plot and characters...

But I. Just. Can’t. Do. It.

It’s impossible to give you details without giving away any major spoilers. And this book, above any other in the series, deserves to be read without knowing ANY of the plot points before hand.

What I can tell you is that Pippa DaCosta didn't hold back with the conclusion of this series. There were plot twists and turns that I had never even dreamed of. I was on tenterhooks by the end. My emotions, shredded.

I love this series from beginning to end. With a robust cast of characters that made me laugh, then cry from one breath to the next and plot twist after plot twist that I never saw coming, it is easily one of my favorite UF/PNR series.

So, thank you, Pippa DaCosta for The Veil series. For Muse, a heroine who kicks ass. For Stefan, the hottie underdog. And for Akil, one of the hottest enigmas in Urban Fantasy. I will always be #TeamAkil!

PS. If you're like me and going through Veil series withdrawal, I HIGHLY recommend you check out her new series, The 1000 Revolution. The first book is [b:Girl From Above: Betrayal|25377211|Girl From Above Betrayal (The 1000 Revolution, #1)|Pippa DaCosta|https://d.gr-assets.com/books/1429290709s/25377211.jpg|44867703] and it's A-MAZ-ING!

*A copy of this book was provided by the author in exchange for a fair and honest review.*