A review by trikaratops
The Secret to Lying by Todd Mitchell


Epic Wins: (What I loved about the book!)

- The message: That sometime we are our own worst enemy and that we have choices to make in life that are ours alone.

- Like I said with It Started with a Dare, lying sucks! James has to lie and twist the truth till he doesn’t know who he is and has to find himself; he does this through his dreams.

- James: When he wasn’t lying he was pretty funny, made me laugh a lot.

- All the crazy pranks that him and his roommate (Dickie, a guy who speaks in a British accent and loves to laugh) play on people or performed for people.

- Ghost44: I knew it was her! The whole time I knew it! To know exactly who she is you’ll have to read. She was my favorite.

- His hair-brain parents left a few laughs. I like how he called his mother moms because of her multiple personalities. :)

Epic Fails: (please remember: this isn’t fails just weird oddities I found or stuff I didn’t like about the book, I just thought the name fit well with my blog)

- Ellie: She had an attitude like no other but I suppose that is where she got the nick name ‘Ice Queen’.

- Drinking, never a good thing when mixed with hypothermia.

- Lying, not a big fan of the constant tales he comes up with but I respect it, it had to be done.

- Sex: I’m actually really mad that this came up; I was on a streak of clean lit. Oh well!

- How he treated poor Jess! She was probably mess up mentally when he was done with her. (of course she is just a character in a book so why I care is beyond me)


Like a work of art, sometimes you don’t like the look but you respect the message. That makes it mean more to you. After this and It started with a Dare, I think I won’t ever lie again even little white lies! So go find out who ghost44 is already!

just sayin,