A review by crimsonreader
Incendiary by Zoraida Córdova

Did not finish book.



DNF at page 290

The biggest problem off the bat with incendiary is that the Ren tells us most everything she feels rather than showing us and it really sucks away a lot of the impact her emotions could have otherwise had. Especially in the early pages, I often found myself mentally rewriting passages just to try to inject some much needed depth into a stirring moment, but that only further highlighted the lack of such showing when I went back into the book as written.

And that made it hard to be invested. I would often only read 2 -5 pages before putting the book down for something else and was never eager to get back into it.

In fact... It took me almost a week of sporadic reading to get to page 100.

Which all really sucks because outside of Ren's narrative, there is a really fun story happening and I wanted to want to get into it.

Unfortunately...even my best efforts weren't enough to keep my tethered to this book and I gave up about half-way through.