A review by justonemorechapter_or2
Beautiful Sacrifice by Gen Ryan


This was a rare magical unicorn moment in which the sequel rivals the first in my mind of best books. This book was so friggin amazing I wish I had a time machine to go back and read it for the first time over and over again. This is a sequel but you definitely don't have to read the first in order to understand anything. Though in my honest opinion I recommend doing it because Gen Ryan is brilliant and the characters you get a bit more of a look at them. Plus the first one was amazeballs so you won't be disappointed getting both books. Oh no my friends quite the opposite, you're going to LOVE both books and you need them in your life.
This book is told in a four person POV. Which isn't as confusing as it may seem, I actually really liked it. There were intense crazy moments, mixed with an amazing romance between Evan and Avery. I can't praise this book enough, grab your copy today!