A review by biancahartley
The Sword of Kaigen by M.L. Wang

Did not finish book. Stopped at 20%.
• reverse colonialism? Okay.
• the fact that the real-life imperialists (Japan) are being subjugated by fantasy Korea and China? Okay. (And the fact "Japan" only amounts to one province?)
• white slaves? Lmao. The fact the the black countries have a set of random "West African" names and words. Some of which are fully just nonsense
• casual eugenics? Fun!
• every Matsuda warrior is more impressive than the last. What in Warhammer?
• actively obnoxious world-building, use of language in particular (and italics!)
• servicible prose
• descriptions of the use of magic felt like reading a textbook
• the book was clearly trying to make some commentary on misogyny but it all felt very blunt
• alright characters
• at some point I just did not care anymore