A review by whatalexreads_
Girl in Pieces by Kathleen Glasgow


✧ Review ✧

Title: Girl in Pieces
Author: Kathleen Glasgow
Pages: 440
Genre: Young adult, mental health
TW: self harm, suicide, addiction, sexual assault

I really wanted to love this. I think a lot of people would definitely love this book and it’s way of storytelling. I’m just not a fan of broken, short snippets. It makes it harder for me to connect with the plot and characters.

Girl in Pieces is about Charlie, a seventeen year old girl who has already lost more than most people do in a lifetime. The only way she knows how to cope is through self harm. It’s about her journey navigating in a world that hasn’t been kind to her and how she’s working to put herself back together.

The whole book felt like a creative writing exercise to me. I know it’s a young adult novel but it felt very junior for such a dark, sensitive and serious topic.

There was so much going on and so many topics covered but never truly in any depth. There were also so many relationships mentioned, that clearly had a massive impact on Charlie’s life but were never explained fully. We just got fragments of Charlie’s story and perhaps that’s why I felt it so hard to connect.

I think this novel is a matter of personal taste, I’m not a huge fan of diary style writing unless it’s massively in depth and you forget it’s a diary (perks of being a wallflower). If you enjoyed we were liars or any E.Lockhart book tbh, I think you’d enjoy this.

This is going to be my August giveaway book, so please don’t let me review influence you too much! Read the blurb and see if you think it’s for you.

★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ (2.5)