A review by onmelsshelves_
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, by Arthur Conan Doyle


I started reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes due to current hype surrounding the BBC series Sherlock. Sherlock Holme's is one of those phenomenons which seems to have completely bypassed me. People, from friends to posters on book forums have countlessly recommened the stories and I had always dismissed them. Despite enjoying modern day detective fiction, they just weren't for me. I think it was the 19th century setting which put me off. I want to read some easy and gripping and not wade through language I barely understand.
However, from the first adventure with Irene Adler, I was hooked. The way Holme's manages to deduce things from the smallest of clues fascinated me. The solutions to the so-called mysteries seeminly impossible to solve become glaringly obvious once Sherlock is one the case. Once you hear the explanations, you're left thinking "Ah so simple. Why did I not see that?" As for the language, of course some of it is slightly archaeic but not the point of it detracting from the stories.

A definite five star read and one I recommend to everyone.