A review by nemerith
Diamond Fire by Ilona Andrews


Ah, this was the perfect opportunity for Catalina to take the stage and impress us after Nevada and Mad Rogan blew us away in the previous instalments.
And I must say... she did impress!

Set just days before the big wedding, Nevada is being the biggest bridezilla ever (who knew, right?!), the tiara heirloom is stolen aaaaaaaaand shit hits the proverbial fan.
In the world, we all know and love, all scenes and environments were well described and detailed enough.

Character development was very good. Catalina has such a tight hold on her magic, making sure not even the smallest amount makes its way to someone, and now she needs to actively use it to get the answers she needs and solve mystery after mystery. Catalina was really well written, felt real and believable.
And OMG, Rogan's mom IS AWESOME!

Pacing and flow were very good. In my opinion, it was a fast-paced novella, a lot is happening but it doesn't feel rushed or 'too much'. A good balance between action and conversation.

All in all, a really enjoyable read. Yes, it's different than we're used to since it's not Nevada stealing the show this time, but gooooo Catalina!