A review by qu073179
The Organ Scrubber by Jason Werbeloff


I think my dislike of this book, comes due to my own persnickety book needs. I need a book to first draw me in, be engaging, and go back to drawing me in when it has stopped being engaging. Simple and plain. This book drew me in, then LOST me. This was shortly after Daniel finds out his mother doesn't live at Porcuperry. Though I held out a little, there was nothing new to hold my attention. So, there I started to just quickly scan the rest of the book. I was hoping that something insatiable would perk me up again somewhere, but no, not for me. Reading the comments on Amazon, few agree with me. The book didn't cost a fortune, so who the heck cares. But the premise was so AWESOME, I thought I'd hit the motherload on thrills, but--- not so.