A review by sara_evaney
Das göttliche Mädchen by Aimée Carter



Well, well, I read some reviews before I started this and a lot of people said that the mythology was very inaccurate. I hardly know anything about mythology, so I figured it wouldn't bother me. But my god, even I know this much: Gods are cruel, they do What ever they want and they do not care about something as humane as the seven deadly sins. (Why would they, it's not like they can die.) The gids in this book didn't seem very godish at all. They were just nice people who really wanted Kate To pass the stupid test, that every one of the gods would have failed! Just look at Calliope and her envy! I guess They are just a little hypocritical.. Also I believe the Olympians are actually related? They don't just call each other family, because they just happened to have spend a lot of time together, they are all related! I know incest isn't good and it makes you feel all uncomfortable, but You can't just change a thousand year old story because of that!
Also the author didn't bother to have any human characters, did she? Literally everyone Kate Ever knew was a fricking god, like come on! That seems a little unrealistic, doesn't it? What you also shouldn't do, is mention a character once on page fifty and expect the reader to remember him 200 pages later. #WhoTheHellIsWalter
A lot happened in this time!
I admit there were a few surprises, for example I didn't expect Ava to be a goddess, but That's because I figured there'd have to be a couple normal people. Other things that were supposed to be surprising weren't at all to me. I knew from the first chapter that Kate's mother was Diana and after a little bit I also figured out that she was Demeter. And I never trusted Calliope, so it didn't shock me when She killed Kate. #YouCan'tTradeYourLife (I'm sorry, I don't know what's up with the Hashtags ^^) But Seriously, if you are dead living people can't trade themselves in for you, I have read Starcrossed, I know how it works. (Yes, those are the facts that I got from another novel.. It is proof, okay!?)
But Back to Calliope. The author really tried to convince us that Calliope was this nice girl, but That just made her more suspicious to me. Ella On the other hand was probably supposed to be the person that everyone thought was the killer. Yeah, well, your mystery didn't really work out. Did it ever even get explained why Ella Was so grumpy and hateful all the time? I don't think so.
But Yes, in spite of all the bad things I said I give this book three stars, because I think it was an original story and I enjoyed reading it once I tried to ignore all the wrong facts.